Contact us to learn how to participate.


The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) is a USDA Child Nutrition Program designed to reimburse facilities for nutritious meals served to children in a child care environment.

4C’s CACFP serves Porter, La Porte, Elkhart, Fulton, Kosciusko, Marshall, Starke, and St. Joseph Counties.

In order to participate in 4C’s CACFP you must be a Licensed Child Care Home, Licensed Child Care Center or Registered Ministry.


11 + 7 =

224 W. Jefferson Blvd. Suite 200 South Bend, IN 46601

Phone: (574) 289-7815




Brian Ledbetter, Executive Director

Andrea Kuntz, CACFP Coordinator

Carol Anderson, CACFP Monitor

Middi Norberg, CACFP Monitor

(habla español)

Business hours:

Monday – Friday  8:30 am – 4:00 pm